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Cancellation Policy

Although it is rare, if your therapist needs to cancel or reschedule your appointment, you will be given 24-hours notice whenever possible.



We accept the following forms of payment:


  • Cash (please bring exact change for cash payments)

  • Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express,Discover)

  • Check

  • PayPal

Returned Checks

For a returned check, we charge $25. Returned check fees will be requested by email via a PayPal payment request or invoice.   


No Shows

A “no show” is when a client does not show up for the scheduled appointment. Your therapist will wait 15-minutes after the start time of your scheduled appointment before considering it a "no show". A "no-show" for your appointment will result in full payment due. Three "no-shows" will result in no longer being accepted as a client.


Please keep in mind that sessions begin and end at scheduled times. Call if you know you are going to be late. Without a phone call, practitioners will wait 15-minutes after the start-time of your scheduled appointment before  considering it a “no show”. If you have not called to inform us that you will be  late, we cannot guarantee that your practitioner will be waiting for you. If you do arrive late, the length of time for your session will be adjusted  based on the time you arrived, and full payment will be due for your scheduled  appointment. Please remember that there are generally appointments booked after your session. After your treatment, it is customary to vacate the space within five or ten minutes.

Cell Phones

Please leave your cell phone in your car, or set it to the silent mode prior to your session.


We recommend that you wear loose, comfortable, casual clothing to your appointments.

Lost & Found

We are not responsible for lost, misplaced or forgotten items. If we do find an item, we will make our best effort to keep it in a safe place and let you know we have it for you to pick up at your earliest convenience.


Your information will be kept strictly confidential at all times. We will never provide your information to any outside  person or organization. We will never disclose confidential information to any third party without your consent. We may consult with other healthcare professionals under certain  circumstances when a referral or consultation may be necessary to ensure we are providing the best possible care. In these cases, your name will not be  disclosed or linked with any particular medical condition or treatment without your consent. We will never use your information for any purpose other than  for administrative & marketing purposes to run our business. We may use your name, e-mail address, physical address or phone number for purposes such as: appointment confirmations and reminders, thank you notes, invitations,  announcements, or newsletters. 



Thank you for your cooperation.


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