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The Reconnection sessions left me feeling more connected to the earth and all things.  This feeling has lasted and is still with me. After  the first session of the two-day Reconnection, I had an experience in which I felt super connected to the earth and all things around me, even the air.  As I walked I could feel the earth ripple with each step.  As I moved my arm through the air, I could sense the air ripple in waves.  I could see and feel the buildings in the distance shake as the airwaves reached them.  I felt that I affected all things around me. After The Reconnection, I had longer periods of being in deeper heart space than before.  This brought me feelings of profound peace and love for others.


It appears that Reconnective Healing, and especially The Reconnection, are catalysts for transformation.  From my experience, and from what I have heard of others, if you are ready for transformative growth, The Reconnection and Reconnective Healing will provide the impetus to fuel that growth.

                                                                                                                                                     ~D. Pierre, Houston,TX



After my Reconnection sessions with Simone, I have a new calm, balance and peace within me.  And for the first time I can remember,  I am obtaining self worth and purpose. This is huge, for until that day I carried a great deal of anger and self-loathing. Now I am noticing my interaction with people, especially strangers has changed.  Before I came across as unapproachable; I had chosen a path of avoiding and blocking people. Now that wall is down and I interact with people without feeling I'm weird, now I am approachable.

Healing is still happening and every week I continue to get better. The the changes are subtle and would be hard to put into words, but are improving my quality of life. One idea is that my awareness of self and of the spiritual aspect of life is becoming more and more hightened. Past life pain is mending and the old records of my self loathing are almost gone.  When they do turn on it's only for a moment. I'm able to catch them acknowledge them and let them go free.  I never was able to feel and keep rhythm, and now I can.


                                                                                                                                                   ~S. Tibbetts, Houston, TX


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